Monday, 17 August 2015


Only Unilateral Cleft lip complete / incomplete 
Closure of lip4-6 months
Rhinoplasty (if required)18 years
Bilateral cleft lip complete / incomplete 
Closure of lip4-6 months
Columella elongation, Forked flap of Millard if needed6 years
Rhinoplasty (if needed)18 years
Unilateral Cleft lip and alveola
Closure of lip + periosteoplasty4-6 months
Orthodontic treatment10-12 years
Alveolar bone graft6-8 years
Orthognathic surgery (if needed)18 years
Rhinoplasty (if needed)18 years or > 6 months after Orthognathic surgery
Bilateral cleft lip and alveolus 
Closure of lip4-6 months
Columella elongation, Forked flap of Millard (if needed)6 years
Alveolar Bone Grafting 6-8 years
Orthodontic treatment 10-12  years 
Orthognathic surgery (if needed)18 years
Rhinoplasty (if needed)18 years or > 6 months after Orthognathic surgery
Cleft palate only complete/ incomplete 
Closure of cleft
Speech Therapy                                                                     
10-12 months
3 years
Unilateral cleft lip, palate and Alveolus 
Closure of lip + periosteoplasty4-6 months
Closure of cleft palate + intravelar veloplasty10-12 months
Speech therapy3 years
Orthodontic treatment10-12 years
Alveolar bone graft6-8 years
Orthognathic surgery (if needed)18 years
Rhinoplasty (if needed)18 years or > 6 months after Orthognathic surgery
Bilateral cleft lip, palate and alveolus 
Closure of lip + periosteoplasty4-6 months
Closure of clef palate + intravelar veloplasty10-12 months
Speech therapy3 years
Columella elongation, Forked flap of Millard (if needed)6 years
Orthodontic treatment10-12 years
Alveolar bone graft6-8 years
Orthognathic surgery (if needed)18 years
Rhinoplasty (if needed)18 years or > 6 months after Orthognathic surgery


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